About Us

The Palm Association is a multi-directed company that offers events services, information technology consultancy, real estate - fully furnished apartment leasing - renting and agriculture - farming.

We have been gradually evolving since 2009, we were only focused on Information Technology under the names of P-Jones IT Professionals in the past. Now our IT Department is represented as "The Palm InfoTech"​. The organization as further expanded and ventured into Events Services, Real Estate, and Farming.

In 2019 we officially started our IT operations in Dubai as SMART INFOTECH MANAGEMENT AND

Company ID : 80020000590137
Tax ID : 1014862928
Lyamutundwe Road Nkumba Entebbe Wakiso

Trading License: 862235
Dubai United Arab Emirates

The Events Services are all managed by "The Palm Events"​ with lots of capability to seamlessly connect your business goals with your event journey, bringing the theme to life through priceless memories.

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Nunc sit amet ante eget arcu porttitor lobortis sit amet sit amet augue. Donec feugiat rhoncus cursus. Etiam vel eleifend ex. Pellente sque id neque sed est dignissim fermentum et ac enim. Nulla cursus eros id neque porta, eu mattis dolor euismod.

Real Estate is managed by "The Palm Appartments"​ and this offers leasing and Rental of fully furnished apertments both on long and short term purposes. All the properties are owned by The Palm Association no blockers and middle men; so be rest assured of the best service and treatment.

Agricultural Farms are managed by the "The Palm Farms"​ and mainly focuses on animal husbandry and crop cultivation. We have a team of qualified vetinally professionals that can provide treatment and takecare of your animals at very reasonable prices. We also have breeding facilities and sell infant animals for those intreated in animal rearing. The Palm Farms is here to unite and help all Farmers across the globe to achieve their farming ambitions.

Our Branches

    Trading License: 862235
    Dubai United Arab Emirates

    Company ID : 80020000590137 
    Tax ID : 1014862928 
    Nkumba Entebbe Wakiso

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